How DSA Halved Their Incoming Calls and Raised Their Email Open Rate
With a strategy build on their vision of being a partner for their members – thus ensuring security and economic surplus in their members’ work-life no matter what position they’re in – Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse wanted to reach their members in an easy way. And due to their strategy – newsletters where the right way for them to communicate with their members.
Recently, we had a chat with Iben Malthe Roldsgaard who works as a Communication Consultant at Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse in Copenhagen. This is her story on how they with the help of Apsis, along with a couple of other strategic improvement initiatives, halved their phone calls, developed 18 flows for newsletters for graduating students, and how they raised their email open rate by only sending out relevant information.

Iben Malthe Roldsgaard and Søren Riis – Country Manager at Apsis in Denmark – during the FDIH E-commerce conference 2019
Being a Helping Hand for Those Who Help Others
Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse is un unemployment insurance fund for Physiotherapists, Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Mid Wives, Bioanalyst, and Radiographers. Their vision and goal is to offer insurance to their members through their whole careers: no matter if they study, work full- or half time, are unemployed, sick, or are on maternity leave.
Also, they want to help their members by being a partner in different life situations, for example in the shift from being a student to being a graduate. This may mean being supportive when their members search for new positions, write job applications, and when they’re contacting employers.
For Iben Malthe Roldsgaard, her day-to-day work is within marketing and communications, including web and articles, social media, campaigns, project management, and newsletters – where the last one mentioned is one of her main focus areas.
"A lot of my work consists of working with our newsletters for different target groups: students, unemployed, workers, our academic segment, the leader segment, the early retirement segment, and so on. All in all, we send more than 200 targeted newsletters per year."
We want to ensure security so that our members have the profits to help others in their daily lives.
The Importance of Reaching the Right Person – at the Right Time
Every year, around January and June, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse has a lot of student members graduating. During this period, the students need to do a couple of things to ensure that they can receive money – if they don’t get a job straight after graduation. Since this is regulated by the Danish law, it’s really important that the right information reaches the right person.
During the last couple of years, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse has tried many different ways to reach their members in advance, telling them about the important steps they need to follow. But it’s been a difficult task to manage manually.
"Every year we’ve visited our students at the universities and we’ve targeted our communication in social media. Also, we’ve sent direct emails (with the help of Apsis) before graduation.
Even though we did all these things, many of the students still had a lot of questions – which led to a lot of phone calls in January and June: a process that required extra work for our organisation. Also, the shortcoming of reaching the students in time resulted in, for example, students missing their income if they stood without employment."

Iben Malthe Roldsgaard as one of the speakers at the FDIH E-commerce conference 2019
We wanted to automate many of our newsletters, and the success is over our expectations.
The Power of Automation
In March 2019, Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse provided Apsis marketing automation solution. And during the spring, they developed 18 newsletter flows for their members who were soon about to graduate. After that, they built flows for all the newsletters based on the students' final graduation date – all to ensure that the students got the information they needed, based on when it was relevant for them to take action.
"At the same time we started using Apsis’ solution for marketing automation, we also updated the information on our website, where we linked to our automated newsletters. We are sure that us using Apsis’ solution for marketing automation – in combination with our new, updated website – led to the result of a halved amount of phone calls."
Phone statistics before and after the marketing automation solution – June 2018 vs June 2019:
- 2018: 5.756 calls
- 2019: 2.420 calls
"We can definitely see a big difference between June 2018 and June 2019: we didn’t get as many questions from students, which resulted in June being less stressful for us – meaning it freed up time to look into other projects."
The automation solution has given us more time to work with other, important tasks in our team.
Relevance Is Alpha and Omega
For Iben, who’s responsible for Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasses’ newsletters, the marketing automation solution has freed-up time. Also, the solution has led to a much higher open rate for their newsletter – this, since the information that is sent out is more relevant.
"Now, I don’t have to send out our newsletter manually, and the automation solution ensures that the students get the information they need – at the right time. Before, I also had to send one single newsletter to one big target group, even though they wouldn’t graduate at the same time – meaning sending irrelevant information to some students.
With the functionalities within Apsis, we now can make send-outs to specific target groups, which makes it possible for us to deliver relevant information to the right people. The fact that we can provide our members with relevant, personal, and interesting information, is hopefully a contributing factor regarding our students staying as members of Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse.
Thus, by being relevant and helpful to our members, we can ensure their security and an income after graduation – which goes in line with our vision."

Pink piles: KPI’s
Green piles: Email open rate after using Apsis’ marketing automation solution
It’s easy to work with and the support is friendly and helpful!
"We are hooked on the marketing automation solution because it’s easy to manage and enables us to easily build flows. Apsis, in general, is very intuitive and smooth to work with. In fact, the collaboration has been very positive and everyone I’ve talked to at Apsis has been very helpful and accountable. The support team always makes sure to call back if they can’t solve a problem right away, and they work very fast."
Thanks a lot, Iben!
Want to reach the same results as Din Sundhedsfaglige A-kasse? Contact us today!